Saturday, December 25

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! And all that jazz... It's quite interesting to think that the world seems to stop for Christmas. But  then I think, is it for the right reasons? Today I have had the pleasure of meeting up with my Dad's family, and enjoying glorious food and their company. There's nothing like a little bit of Christmas cheer to bring us all together! Although, i find it strange that we take this time each year to see family that we don't normally see. If we don't see them during the year, why now? Why force traditions? Do we do it because that's just what we always have done?

Personally, I think its because there's something special sharing a meal and time with people you care about. Think about it- what was Jesus' last meeting/celebration with his disciples? The Last Supper?

I know my Christmas(es) have always been challenging in a sense, trying to navigate between extended and "step" family- trying to see everyone on the one day of the year we are meant to see everyone- but it really took today to show me to look past it. I tell you a secret- I normally dread Christmas time, because it's always a battle between my parent's families etc. But today, it was such a beautiful thing- to have my Grandma, two uncles, my sister and Dad all share a few hours together! We sat and nibbled wonderful entre creations created by Heather, I  organised some mocktails/cocktails and we all sat down and enjoyed the traditional Christmas lunch... (ham, turkey, chicken... !) Then of course dessert....

But then, I think about why we are doing all this. Jesus. It's often a word that doesn't get mentioned at this time because it's politically incorrect.. But isn't it CHRISTmas?

I think that it's a honour to be able to sit down and celebrate Jesus' birthday with the people we love- and be allowed to have this freedom to do so... How lucky are we?

I work in a pharmacy, and you would be amazed at the increase of scripts for Valium that have come in the closer we get to Christmas. Sometimes it can all seem too much with relatives, presents, stress, getting everything done, catering for everyone, cooking, shopping.... etc. But I guess I just wanted to encourage you to take the time out- relax!- enjoy this time and join in celebration- because the best thing that ever happened to the world (and my life!) was born today. :)

Merry Christmas!xx

Monday, December 13


Just ordered new business cards ... via !