Friday, November 16

Apple Store Update

Exciting news, you can now purchase "Almost" from the Apple iBook store ! Just jump on your i-device and search for Emily McIntyre!

Thursday, November 8


Real, raw truth feels like the gravel stuck in a graze on your knee as you slide on the school yard bitumen.

It is powerful, and I do believe that it is an underestimated force in life. So often we search for love, peace or happiness, driven to pursue a cocktail of emotions that assumably forge well-being .

The thing is, emotions change . They fade or exemplify , they are not a constant , stable state . This phenomena is taught from when we are born - we learn to say "I'm feeling ........ Today". Tomorrow , I may feel something else. Emotions have a vast amount of variables that all weave and intertwine to create fluctuations in perceptions, self and on a completely biological level - the amount of hormones released to determine a specific chemical reaction .

Truth, however, is not temporary . It does not fluctuate or change with time . It is a solid state or fact that cements the foundation for realization, action and opportunity . But it stings ... Truth is not considerate. It can state the obvious or scream subtext at any given moment , and it will really tell you if your butt looks big in a dress (and not be sorry ).

It is does not buckle under pressure or change its mind at the last minute . It is what it is, and that's it.

A lie can often be so much sweeter and appealing, and yet once it's sweetness fades , the truth is always the thing that literally gives you a hit... And I find it interesting that so often I hear people (and myself ) strive 'to be happy' or to 'be at peace '. Not that there is anything wrong about those ambitions , it's just that the reality if setting a goal based on an emotion is that there are several variables to be negotiated. The biggest being , how can it be measured? And how can the variables be controlled to determine a constant state of "peace/happiness?" Do I feel at peace emptying the garbage ? No. Do I feel un-peaceful ? No ... So does the absence of my desired feeling mean I'm not peaceful or achieving it ?

The old saying is that the truth will set you free . And I believe that it has the power to... It just takes time and a lot of effort . There are some things I know in my life that I have not wanted to hear . The truth is not polite , or won't tip toe around the point - it is just there, it just is.

But that's its secret. It is as it is. Truth can not change because it is not hidden, misleading, deceptive or sugar coated . It is real. And that's why it can hurt.

But from encountering truth , I do believe that we have the opportunity to equip ourselves to manage and achieve emotions - whether that be happiness or peace or love . These feelings come as a consequence of encountering and desiring truth.

It's definitely not something you want to bring to a dinner party . But truth will ignite and sustain your being -- rather than succumbing to mountains of variables: like the infamous chocolate bar .

Saturday, November 3

Rest in peace, part 1

One of my childhood friends passed away a couple of days ago.. Although I didn't know him well over the last few years, I can still vividly remember and relive the times we spent together .

I met Cam when I was around 11or 12 at my mums fortieth birthday party. We were the bored kids in the corner .. And we soon discovered that my sister and I , as well as Cam and his sister, shared a love for spy movies . Well, to be more precise , spy movies like Spy Kids and Men In Black... And we also shared a love for dress ups . From these mutual interests , we started playing probably the longest 'make believe ' game that continued for a few years. You see, we were top secret spies fighting against an evil mastermind named Gregory, who (as all bad guys do ) was trying to take over the world . Armed with code names and hats , we would spend hours developing plots and saving the world on various missions . Cam's code name was always topaz (top secret info!) and mine was diamond . I remember he loved to wear a particular hat and sunglasses when we were on our missions, and it appears this fashion trend continued as he became older !

During this time I was finding it quite difficult as I had moved areas, but what I found was that spending time with Cam always made me feel more energized and happy. We would let our imaginations run wild and he was just a creative, inspirational kid. This was manifested in our competitive karaoke sessions ...

... That's right , karaoke ! I was given some karaoke DVDs for Christmas one year and I remember battling it out to prove who should audition for Australian idol. He managed to perform an off key rendition of "angels bought me here" - and it was that performance that I grudgingly agreed he had one the best ' karaoker' title .

I also remember one afternoon when he told me he had started a radio station . I thought he was kidding ... But he had ! Some how , he had managed to get a hold of a mini transmitter ( that would broadcast a few meters ) and he would record his favorite songs off the radio on to a tape. He told me at a specific time each afternoon he'd play a few songs and talk .. I desperately tried to get an interview on his show , but never quite got a call back ... He was always so inventive and creative and ready to try something new!

The more I write , the more I remember ... But I just thought I'd share these moments as they come, because I think it's important to remember and cherish people who made an impact on your life.

As we got older and we both moved areas we gradually became out of touch ... And I suppose this is why the news of his passing came as such a shock. I still remember him as the twelve year old by my side, dodging Kung fu ninjas sent by the evil mastermind Gregory, and at the very last minute , saving the world . I'm sure he is at peace now and has returned to mission control, I just hope he knows how much he is loved xx